Memory performance in ADC/NACC data

   Lead Investigator:    Sandra Barral Rodriguez
   Institution      :    Columbia
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    317

Publications: 1 Barral S, Cosentino S, Christensen K, Newman AB, Perls TT, Province MA, Mayeux R Common genetic variants on 6q24 associated with exceptional episodic memory performance in the elderly Journal Article JAMA Neurol,71:1514-1519,2014,PMC4355405
2 Barral S, Reitz C, Small SA, Mayeux R Genetic variants in a 'cAMP element binding protein' (CREB)-dependent histone acetylation pathway influence memory performance in cognitively healthy elderly individuals Journal Article Neurobiol Aging,35:e2887-2881 e281,2014,PMC4253058
3 Lee S, Zhou X , Vardarajan B, Reyes-Dumeyer D, Rajan KB, Wilson RS, Evans DA, Besser L, Kukull W, Bennett DA, Schupf N, Mayeux R, Barral S Episodic Memory Performance in a Multiethnic Longitudinal Study of 13,979 Elderly Journal Article PLoS One,13:e0206803,2018,PMC6248922

Proposal Description: